E-mail Marketing

Improving Your Email Marketing Campaigns

The key to a successful email marketing campaign is to give your customers something that they want in each message, whether this is a coupon or discount or information on how they can save money on your products through a sale, and to not waste their time with excessive messages.

This means you will want to experiment to find out the best frequency of email marketing messages to keep your business in the front of your customer’s minds. Too many messages and they will stop reading them, delete them and ask to be removed from your mailing list because you will be wasting their time. Too few messages and they may forget about you.

Make sure that you use a recognizable email address when you send out messages, preferably the name of your business. This way they will know your message isn’t spam, but something they requested.

You should also make sure that you use a subject heading that convinces them to open the email. Don’t use any of the headings that are typically used by spam email senders, and keep the number of characters between 30 and 50.

Once you get the customer to click on your message and open it, you want it to be designed in an appealing format that they will be able to easily read whether they are opening their mail on a computer or checking their mail with a smart phone. You also want to make sure that whichever email provider they use they will still be able to open the message. This can take some testing to verify. You may also be due to redesign the formatting of your message to make it more appealing and more user friendly.

You will want to make your emails fast to load, optimizing your images so they don’t take forever to load and using alt-image so text will appear to describe an image if it doesn’t load.

Keep your email marketing messages short, and send different messages to different people so the messages will be more targeted. People will be more likely to want to read the marketing messages if they are usually relevant to them.

Taking these things into account will help make your marketing campaign more effective.

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