If your website isn’t ranking as well as you would like it to, you may wish to contact a web design company for help. Although you may have the basics of the process down pat, the intricacies of this field may allude you. Don’t feel bad if this is the case. Designing a web page is not easy and navigation of your site is key. If your website is difficult to maneuver, visitors will leave and won’t come back. This may be where the problem lies and your web designer can be of great assistance here.
Content needs to be relevant and concise. Users tend to skim a website rather than reading it from top to bottom like a page in a book. Keywords are looked for along with page highlights and headings. Studies suggest that cutting back on the number of words on a page can increase usability by more than 50%. When you choose to hire a web design company and have them write your website content they will ensure the main point is in the first paragraph. Furthermore, they will eliminate filler and fluff while making your content easy to understand so more visitors will make use of it.
Headlines are very helpful in terms of navigating a website. A good web designer or web design company that you hire to write your written content helps in this area also. This divides your content into logical parts so users can quickly find what they need. The headlines should be short and sweet and explain what can be found in that section of your website. Keywords are essential here as they will make skimming a page easier. In addition, use headings that work with a browser’s search feature. Chances are you don’t know how to do this, and that’s ok, but your website design company should.
What do users look for when skimming paragraphs? You may be surprised to find that the first two words of a sentence are the most important. By front-loading keywords in titles links and headlines, users will be able to learn more in less time and will appreciate this. This will also help you with your search engine rankings and your SEO. Make sure the most important information is at the top of the page for the same reason. This allows users to find exactly what they want even if they don’t read to the end of the page. Simple changes such as this will improve your website navigation as well as content and bring more visitors in. Don’t handle this task alone when a web designer can make these changes for you in very little time.